Do Your Selling Using Your Mobile! Point of Sales on Your Mobile!

Won't it be great if:



You can easily get your sales report anytime you want!



Track your inventory real-time and generate reports easily!


Cash Flow

Get your cash flow instantly today!


Product Sale

You can monitor which product sales the best at what time!

Do  you have your own shops and outlets?

I believe many of you own a shop or outlet that could be in shopping center, shop rows, kiosks or even travelling salesperson. And I also believe you can have multiple of shops and outlets. 


I know when you have your own shops, you will need to know all of this:


1) How much is your sales today? 
2) What product you sold today?

3) How many inventory you must stock up?

And a lot more... 


I know most of you will not purchase the typical Point of Sales system because:


1) it is too expensive, probably cost you RM 20,000 one set minimum and maybe more than that. 

2) it is too bulky. Requires too much space and I know space is very premium for you. 



Won't it be great if you can have a handy Point of Sales system?

I would love to introduce you to a just right solution for you called OfficeCentral Point of Sales.


Why I would say OfficeCentral Point of Sales will be a great solution for you is because: 


1) You can use your mobile phone or tablet as your Point of Sales. No need to buy such expensive hardware!

2) You can do your transactions online through your mobile. 

3) Send receipt to your customer instantly! right away through Email!

4) You can have membership management in OfficeCentral Point of Sales, which this is a crucial strategy in retail business nowdays.

5) Of course, other then send receipt via email you can buy a receipt printer and print using bluetooth connectivity. This printer probably cost you around RM 700+. 


Other than that, what happen when your Point of Sales is online? Can you still use it? 


OfficeCentral Point of Sales answer to you will ABSOLUTELY CAN! You can use OfficeCentral Point of Sales online and offline. When you use it while offline, once you online the data will be uploaded into the system. NO NEED DOUBLE ENTRY!



OfficeCentral Point of Sales also provides you other amazing benefits such as

OfficeCentral Point of Sales is a system that:


1) You can control prices from the central control, which is for example your Store HQ can control all shops prices and product sell. 


2) All inventory can be updated immediately either with individual stores or HQ store. You can know which of your shops that you need to restock and what product sells the most!


Change your business to a better business with OfficeCentral Point of Sales!



1) OfficeCentral Point of Sales Website